Thursday 22 March 2012

Sponsorships and in-flight entertainment - not such a strange marriage

Aeroplanes come under the spotlight in this blog as a pretty innovative staging area for bringing a partnership alive.  We've looked at how Emirates has used branded exteriors to amplify its partnership with Manchester City.  But what about the interiors?
Cabins are generally surreal yet claustrophobic environments in which personal space is always under threat.  People - depending on the length of the flight - are often bored out of their minds.  In short, a largely untapped environment.
But in the last few weeks, a number of brands have made pretty good use of it.  The first is Turkish Airlines whose partnership with Manchester United has been a major feature of its TV commercials of late.  The ads are invariably fun, tongue in cheek and feature A List players from the team roster.

But what happens when you decide to push the formula just that little bit harder?  Try including those same players in the onboard flight safety film.  It's pretty effective and a great way to get people to sit up and listen.  

Another variation on the theme comes to us from Mexican beer Corona who recently made a huge splash with a Major League Soccer partner Chivas USA by getting actual players to model the new team strip on a flight from Guadaljara to Los Angeles.  The stunt took 3 months of planning but caused quite a stir because the "catwalk" featured no less than 3 stars from the team.

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