Wednesday 4 January 2012

Bud Light searches for Super Bowl correspondent

In the age of the "Citizen Journalist", everyone wants to be a correspondent.  Bud Light is cashing in on this by giving a lucky fan the chance of becoming an official Bud Light Super Bowl correspondent.
The winner will be housed in a 5-Star hotel downtown Indianapolis and paid a yet unstated salary to star in a series of exclusive Bud Light Super Bowl videos which will be screened on the Brand's Facebook and YouTube pages in the run up to the big game.

Interested fans have been asked to upload a 30 second video of themselves strutting their knowledge of football.  The judging process will be crowdsourced, i.e. by fans making use of the "like" button on the brand's facebook page.


Mike Sundet, senior director of Bud Light says the idea was to give fans an experience they couldn't get anywhere else.  "We want to make it all about the fans" said Sundet, "we didn't want to make a corporate deal.

The idea is similar to one implemented by Major League Baseball during the 2010 season. In that promotion, a social media ambassador and his sidekick were housed in an exclusively themed manhattan apartment and asked to tweet about a season's worth of games.  Read more about this here or check out the video below

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